Entries by Ryan Saplan

Keep going

Keep going. Whatever it is that is moving you in a positive direction. Keep doing it. About 90% of anything is doing. And as you do, you learn.  You make mistakes and make adjustments.  You make some success and then make adjustments.  If there is one thing I’ve mastered it is doing the workout thing. […]

Real Blogging and some thoughts about Grit

15 minutes to write 14 minutes to write 13 minutes I’m a multitask-aholic.  I must have some mild form of ADHD.  It’s a good excuse for why it was so hard for me to well in school.  I’m glad I managed to figure things out in the real world. I’m far from perfect, but I’m […]

Seeds of Failure, Conquer Self Doubt

It just takes one thought. A single thought of doubt that begins the waterfall of failure. Actually it’s more complicated than that. It’s really inaction that guarantees failure.  It’s a matter of perspective.  Have you ever done a barbell snatch?  On almost all technical levels, your first barbell snatch is a failure.   How about […]

There is a enough time in the day if You’re focused

I’m convinced that there is a enough time in the day to accomplish what you set for yourself.  The main problem is really weather or not we’re in the mood to do it.  It’s just a matter of motivation. If I could just get motivated, i could i would do…..  [ fill in the blank] […]

After the Omar Isuf 500 pound deadlift challenge

I fell one rep from my minimum. Three reps with 500 pounds, deadlifting conventional style.  If I had a chance to do it over again, I would’ve skipped a 465lbs for 1 reps prior to the attempt. Live and learn. No matter what, it was a great and fulfilling experience. I took plenty of rest […]

500lbs deadlift for REPS a blog by Ryan

On October 23rd, Omar Isuf put out a 500lbs deadlift challenge on his YouTube Channel.  It motivated me to participate, however at that time I had never Deadlifted 500lbs.  The closest I had come was with 485lbs sumo stance, and even with that I had a healthy amount of fear. This was the exact kind […]