Do this to stretch your tight hip flexors (from sitting all day) and relieve your lower back from working so dang hard. Remember, tight hip flexors pull on your pelvis causing your lower back to arch. Instead of watching the video you can look at the pictures further down the page. (click the video below to […]
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About Ryan Saplan
Blog post written by Ryan Saplan
Entries by Ryan Saplan
This core exercise I recently learned from Fighter Abs. It’s a pretty cool program that teaches you how get abs like fighter by training like a fighter, without stepping into a boxing ring or the octagon. This is a variation of the core exercise, the plank. Instead there is a dynamic aspect to it where […]
Core Exercises for Beginners
October 12, 2015 in 30 Day Goals /by Ryan SaplanThis is a core exercise that great for athletes. Set your arms in a modified push up position with your knees off the ground. Then, while tightening your core, squeeze your abs and bring one hand off the ground and bring it to your chest. To get the most out of this exercise, you’ll want […]
Inner Thigh Stretch for Hamstring Flexbility for Knee Pain
October 10, 2015 in Flexibility /by Ryan SaplanHere’s a great stretch if you have issue with inner knee or medial knee pain. Just about anyone can do it without risk of making anything worse. The important thing to remember when it comes to this stretches is making sure your back stays in neutral. In the photo below, notice the orange […]
4 Mistakes that Smart People Make Success Impossible
October 6, 2015 in Motivation /by Ryan SaplanThis is an email I wrote to my list that I felt was worth of a blog post. Enjoy! Subscribe to my email newsletter if you’d like to get more stuff like this. (if you’re clicking from here, don’t worry about submitting a question) 4 Mistakes that Smart People stifles success in life, strength and […]
Business Books that have changed my life.. off the top of my head
September 22, 2015 in Business /by Ryan SaplanThis short post was inspired by a facebook status in a group called: Hustle & Heart – A Mastermind for Entrepreneur Dads that I’m in. 1.) Linchpin – got me to take action, ship my art I read this back in 2013 when I did a fat loss contest called Fat Loss with friends. This book was the reason that lead me […]
Ep02 The Walking Dead: Terrible or Amazing?
July 31, 2015 in Podcast /by Ryan Saplan
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