Recap of Ryan’s Strength Goals over the past 30 days.
Here were my goals for the 30/7:
“By November 6th 2013, bench press 265lbs for 8 reps, Squat 335lbs for 8 reps and Deadlift 365 for 8 reps.”
My results on my Deadlift have been impressive. I finally hit a 500lbs Deadlift for the first time. I did 505lbs for 2 reps (video link). I actually did hit 365lbs for 8 reps with a 1 inch deficit, I’m quite proud of this. I recorded this too!
I had to take a break from bench pressing heavy because of some rotator cuff shoulder impingement. But my best lift for 7 reps was with 255lbs (which is somewhere on my youtube channel) and I was able to do do 3 sets of 5 reps with 275lbs. (video)
Squats is a whole different animal. I was able to rep out 3 reps at 335lbs and do 8 reps at 315lbs, but I’m finding the heavier I go my form degrades. Technique and form will vary depending on how stiff I am that day. My biggest challenge with the squat have been my elbows. Elbow pain because of having tight shoulder and chest muscles that mess with how I rack the bar on my back. My goal will probably be to rebuild my squat and really focus on flexibility. This means I may need to scrap heavy squatting for a month.