Fitness Dad

There will always be smarter, easier and more effective ways to get something done. To lose weight, to workout, to get a job done and of course, deal with people. Although there are better way to do things, the most important things is the doing.


When you move and do stuff that aligns with your big goals you’re killing two bird with one stone. When it comes to the norm of life: work, kid, school and spouse – it’s so difficult to fit the most important thing in everyday. The time to take care of your health.

Taking care of my own personal health and fitness is built into my life.

But what’s even more important is the health and fitness of my family. With the long hours my wife I work – I am the fitness leader and when I have free time the last thing I want to do is the fitness thing. Actually, I just downloaded titan fall on my new laptop and I really want play that or hearthstone.

But it’s Saturday and I choose to write.

There really is no break for the leader. You must constantly be the example because you love and care for these people so much.