Entries by Ryan Saplan

How to get motivated to Workout Again After Being Sick

Ever wish that you had gotten a flu shot?  I wish I did.  I got strep throat earlier this month and was out for a week.  I had a miserable 4 days with a high temp, painful throat and a pounding headache. Now back to reality, I’m feeling pretty out of shape.  It’s very hard […]

Time Muscle Matrix 1.0

Time Muscle Matrix The design of the plan is really focused on muscle gain with a specific emphasis on time management for busy people.  One of the main components to building muscle size is volume (reps & sets).  Intensity is also important, but if you workout too intensely you won’t be able to get enough […]

Let’s Face it, Weight Loss is Difficult

[mini rant] Let’s face it, weight loss is difficult.  There will be times where you will get a very quick loss in weight in a single week, but usually after, that weight loss slows and then almost eventually stops.  It’s nearly impossible to keep losing more than 3 pounds per week.  Heck, it’s hard to […]

What the heck does Vitamin D do?

I always feel the best content to read is stuff that my friends on facebook read.  In all honesty, the only news I read is from facebook and twitter.  The same goes for fitness articles.  There a few names I’m a huge fan of that I trust and follow.  Sometimes I goggled something that’s valuable […]