Entries by Ryan Saplan

Calculate Your Daily Calories per day

How much calories are you suppose to eat to lose weight? Lets start with this BMR Calculator. (may take a few seconds to load) [calc id=744] Then you multiply the number you got by 1.3 & 1.5 to take daily physical activity and you’ll get the low and high value for how much you burn. In my […]

Stages of Weight Gain Denial

This doesn’t appy to everybody, but it’s my attempt at humor, mixed with fiction and some true life experience. Stage 1: One bad weekend of food indulgeces floods into monday’s lunch with more carbs than usual. It could be a burger, maybe pizza or it’s a sandwhich. It occurs every other day or so but […]

“We are the graduating members of class from The class we made it.”

Here is the original link to the video http://www.upworthy.com/bullies-called-him-pork-chop-he-took-that-pain-with-him-and-then-cooked-it-into http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ltun92DfnPY#!  Love this quote… “We are the graduating members of class from the class we made it.” Words cannot describe the impact of how breath taking this video was.  If you’ve ever been bullied, ugly, felt inferior, called a name, or made fun of you can’t help […]

Why you shouldn’t drink a Protein Shake after your workouts

Having a protein shake has always been perceived as being healthy.  Most people think that just because you’re drinking liquefied food you’re being ‘more’  healthy for some reason.  If you think about it, protein shakes are a type of processed food. Aren’t processed foods bad for you? They can be. All food  has its purpose, and […]

Weight Loss Workouts for Women – Weights Burns Fat

If there is any one thing that many women are lacking in workout plans, it’s heavy resistance training.  Most women I work with always seem to be afraid of lifting heavy weights.  There’s this stigma of getting big and bulky, the reality is that it just won’t happen. In some instances, there are women I […]