Reaching a goal is a habit
If a goal is important enough, you'll achieve it. If it is…

I invite you to set a 30 goal and work side by side with me. Intro to 30 & 7
What is 30 & 7
30 & 7 is a basic framework for setting…

Recap of Ryan's Strength Goals over the past 30 days.
Here were my goals for the 30/7:
"By November 6th 2013, bench…

With 15 minutes set on my iPhone, I will attempt to publish a…

30 Day Goals, Starting October 7th 2013
By November 6th 2013, bench press 265lbs for 8 reps, Squat 335lbs…

iPad Air Differences and the iPad Mini
My blog is mainly about personal development, nutrition and…

How to Reap better results from fitness, Sow better.
I love analogies, so I'll share a favorite of mine.
In your…

Self Discipline: Accepting what it means to change your body
The concept of self discipline is pretty simple and I'll argue…

Get the Garbage out of your head
It's been a while since I've written one these types of blog…

Mark Bell doesn't try to be a motivator but he is
I'm a big fan of Mark Bell and really love what he stands for.…

The fastest way to lose body fat that NO ONE BELIEVES
If there was a way to explain to people the secret of fat loss…

Quest to 500lbs Deadlift , 5 rep PR @ 405lbs