Upgrade your thinking.

Upgrade your thinking.

I’m a dad to my 3 beautiful children. I was lucky enough to become a husband to an amazing woman who said yes.

I’m a Personal Trainer by profession.

I’m Ryan. I’m your straight to the point honest guy that doesn’t sell you pie in the sky dreams of fast weight loss.

I don’t sell magic pills or powders.

I sell you ideas based on real science. I base all my writings on what I’ve seen actually work in the real world with real people. That is what this blog is about.

My Story

I’ve struggled with being overweight for most of my adolecent life. The demoralization of being ryans afterfat is a horrible feeling. I still remember how it feels.

Oddly enough, I still feel that way at times.

It’s kind of ridiculous hearing that from a personal trainer who is percevied to be in shape. I am healthyryans before picture and I am in great shape, that doesn’t always mean like I feel like it.

The psychology of weight loss is a passion of mine and I’ve gone through many of the mental struggles of what being fat does. I truly believe if you can’t clean up the negative crap in your head, you will yo-yo diet your entire life.

I want to share what has worked for many of those I’ve coached as well as what has worked for me.

The obstacles of being in shape, losing weight and getting lean are these things we call life: being a parent, working a demanding job, school schedule or managing a business. Nothing is ever always easy.

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